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Our Reason...

Here is the story of the Big T Open and the legacy of a man named Todd Siebert. Big T as he was called by everyone who knew him, or T for short.  Big T stood 6’7 at his tallest and was well over 250lbs, so yeah he was a big guy.  He grew up very young on his family farm in Batesville, IN.  His uncle was tragically killed when a silo collapsed on him when he was only 9, and thus started T’s legacy of always helping.  At this point, it was only his grandpa John to run the farm and there was just too much work for 1 person, and so Big T started going to the farm every day and tending to the hogs and taking care of the daily chores to help his family for the next 40 years.

Photo May 21, 12 04 21 PM.jpg

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